Sunday, May 27, 2007


This is my last entry in this site. I am so sorry but I have to close-- not only because I am super tired and I can't handle about four sites at once, I am a ZANESSA PERSON. I thought that why am I doing this if I am a Zanessa person? I'm just lying, just making this site. I admit it-- I just made this out of boredom-- what will produce if something is from boredom?

Anyway I have my own site that I really really love right now--

! I know it's really weird to have just so small entries and just close right away-- but it's like this.

The good thing is that I want someone to work on this site-- someone who is a ZASHLEY PERSON. My email addie is . Put blogger as subject and send me an email why you are a zashley person-- as long or as short as you want. I will be sending you an email soon if you are to be the owner of this blog-- or NOT. Bye bye forever. Avatar by Jessica

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